Video Tutorial on Using Styles in Word

Do you have style? When you start using Word, you may already have in mind what your document should look like. Why let Word manage your style? In this post, I provide you a video tutorial covering styles with a high-level introduction.

Everytime you open a new Word file, the styles are based off the default Normal template. This template has predesignated your margins, the fonts, line spacing, font size and many other settings you take for granted before you even start typing into that white space or applying buttons to change the look of your characters or paragraphs you type.

Here is a video covering using styles:


Changing the look of text or paragraphs for special scenarios such as headings, copyright brand names or even the paragraph settings for a quote consistently throughout a long document will require a person to repeat many steps which could be automated and recalled by creating Word styles. Word styles ensure a consistent look is maintained throughout your document without the fuss of repeating multiple steps to make changes. These will also come in handy for other efficiency features Word has to offer when you are navigating, outlining or even creating a table of contents. You will be glad you decided to use Word styles in advance.

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